(eis) by Cornel

guten tag liebe freunde(dear friends)

grüsse aus montreal(greetings from montreal)

wir haben jetzt 35 cm schnee(we have 13 inches of snow)

that's all you have to know!(das ist alles was ihr wissen müsst)

der cornel und(and) auch der henner sagen das(told that)

jussuf @  12/18/05, 10:46 AM:

White powder now available in Moscow:

micha_v @  12/18/05, 1:52 PM:

jussuf @  12/20/05, 6:37 PM:
peterfolk @  12/20/05, 11:19 AM:

we have 13 inch of snow that`s all you have to know

that`s my new song (das ist mein neues lied)

und weiter ( and further )

my thoughts are warm my feeds are cold that might be signs of getting old.

let`s continue that! (lass uns das fortsetzen)

only a couple of another lines and we have a new song for peter folk (nur noch ein paar Zeilen und fertig ist der neue song)

would be a nice present for the folky, maybe the oldest member of the mizubitchy familiy (das wäre ein schönes geschenk für den alten folker, der sich nun auch den modernen zeiten voll weiterentwicklung (development) und berufserfahrung (skills) und internationalen kontakten (international communication), der macht der agenturen (power agency)stellt und sein leben zweisprachig gestaltet (double language brain). es lebe der fortschritt (live and let die!)

greez (grüße)

peter (pete)

sol @  12/20/05, 2:17 PM:

Yawn! (Gähn!)

yog @  12/21/05, 4:29 PM:

My hair is white black is my lung long time ago I have been young

immer auf Deiner Seite, Pete.

oder auch.

My hair is dry my dreams are wet soon enough I will be dead.

jussuf @  12/21/05, 7:08 PM:

You drink coffee, I drink tea, that is what we both can see.

No rejection to your plan, let's get drunk and let's (intermission) get a raincheck for the ham. (as single line/stress end)

yog @  12/22/05, 11:51 AM:

moscow snow-white (broken dreams vs. broken language)

My line is white black is my lung also Moscow nights are ganz schön lang

aprupt konfus mix

My shorts are long my dreams are short all aboard the night train.

fernet-branca revert

My scotch is dry my dreams are wet I take a sip and go to sleep

micha_v @  12/23/05, 1:22 PM:

Don't be shy I'm an old man My dick is dry I'm just a lonesome fan Of youth'n'style, Sweating in da club And once in a while I cry in da pub, Suspecting my life's Fuckin' fucked up

Cornel @  12/23/05, 9:23 PM:

na dann frohes fest ihr punker!!


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