(3D) by micha_v

der nächste preisverdächtige videoclipeffekt:


cheerz: typolis.net

(3D) by aemkei

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(3D) by aemkei
  Nathan Sawaya is a professional LEGO artist and former LEGO Master Model Builder and he spent 3 months constructing a 10,000 piece, life size replica of Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite almost entirely out of dark gray LEGOs.

... The Green Head

(3D) by aemkei

Hardcore 3D modeller Kjun said:

"However I didn't want just it absolutely look photo-realistic.. I wanted to make character include a story and putting deep emotion in them.. She is butterfly nymph just left the cocoon. I'm sure she have suffered unbearable pain for break hard shelled cocoon and step out it.

It has some analogy with our creative working. I believe we can be more strong through undergo these painful process."

... kjun.org

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(3D) by aemkei

Die amerikanische Künstlerin Elisabeth Hickok hat sich netter Weise der Aufgabe gestellt, San Francisco als Miniatur aus Götterspeise nachzubauen. Praktisch, um eindrucksvoll zu demonstrieren, wie sich Erdbeben in diesem Gebiet auswirken könnten:

... San Francisco in Jell-O

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Great one via the stellar Boing Boing. Mizubitchy- Quality Kitten Pix since 2003.
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by sol @ 12/4/14, 12:50 PM
Ja wie krass, oder?? THE SHOW MUST GO ON. TILDE CLUB.
by sol @ 12/4/14, 12:41 PM
OMG! Ich hab grad von hinten angefangen zu lesen. So viel cooler Stuff aus der Zukunft!
by aemkei @ 12/4/14, 11:48 AM
Du hast jetzt Rechte!
by sol @ 12/4/14, 11:32 AM
You got it, Holmes!
by sol @ 12/3/14, 9:40 PM