(FlashMX2004) by aemkei

Scite|Flash is one of the best editors for Actionscript out there. It has a lot of features that i miss even in the new FlashMX2004 editor.

In the last hours i put together the new syntax files for as2. Get them here and extract to your scite install folder:

SciteFlashAS2 (application/x-zip-compressed, 14 KB)

Hope there is nothing you will miss ;)

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(FlashMX2004) by aemkei

Flash 7 comes with an help updater, so you only have to click one button to get the newest changes and updates to your offline documentation.

The problem is that you can't see which files were modified. Maybe Macromedia will put something like a changelog but till now you have to take a look at this XML-File and download the files manualy.

Here is, what i found out:

ActionScript Dictionary

  • _accProps
ActionScript Reference
  • Syntax: Terminology
  • Syntax: Specifying an object's path
  • Writing and debugging scripts overview
  • Text: Creating scrolling text
  • External Data: Using HTTP to connect to server-side scripts
  • External Media: Preloading SWF and JPEG files
  • Interactivity: Set up your workspace
Quick Tasks
  • Application: ite an event handler for the component
Using Components
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(FlashMX2004) by aemkei

i've tried to use the outputPanel.save( fileURI) command and was wondering, why nothing happend. ok, it works if you use a simple URI, like "file:///D:test.log" but if there are special characters like spaces or hashs in it you will run into a problem. solution is, to break the path into different parts an make them url encoded:

function getDirectory(doc){

   var lastSlash = doc.path.lastIndexOf("\");    var temp = doc.path.substr(0, lastSlash).split("\");

   // format directory path url encoded    for (var i=1; i<temp.length; i++) temp[i] = escape(temp[i]);    return "file:///" + temp.join("/") + "/"; }

function saveTextToFile(text2save, fileName){

   var fileURI = getDirectory(flash.getDocumentDOM()) + fileName;

   var myOutput = flash.outputPanel;

   // clear, trace, save, and hide output;    myOutput.clear();    myOutput.trace(text2save);    myOutput.save(fileURI, false);    myOutput.clear();

   myOutput.trace(fileURI + " saved") }

// example, that saves a file in the document directory saveTextToFile("this is a basic jsfl example", "example.txt");

(FlashMX2004) by aemkei

With JSFL, XML2UI, Commands, Behaviours, Timeline Effects and Tools you can now extend the Flash development environment.

Here are some links for the future:

  • FlashGuru Mailing List
  • Flash Extensibility Forum
  • Extending Flash Mx Book
  • ... more soon
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    (FlashMX2004) by aemkei

    ok, here we are. as i told you there is no help for all the jsfl out there. even macromedia says: stay tuned... but a xml description is somewhere deep in the flash config directory.

    i put together some code to generate a well formated file that have everything we need.

    FlashJavaScriptHelp (text/plain, 55 KB)

    • a short descrition of the FlashJavaScript language elements

    parseFlashJavaScriptXML (application/octet-stream, 2 KB)

    • thats the this script that parses the xml file.
    (Note: This file is not an executable script! Do not double click this file, but view it with the flash internal editor ;c)

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