(Technik) by splammo


Es gibt eine schöne neue Software mit der man aus der Xbox 360 eine Abspielstation für seine eigenen iTunes und iPhoto Bibliotheken machen kann.

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(Technik) by micha_v

...is about to change. A remarkable demo-clip of prospectively touchscreen-technique. Remember Mr. Cruise in "Minority Report"?


"The technology is multi-touch screens, developed at NYU (as per post on the Cult of Mac blog). And the interesting part is that Apple has patented these interactions, which means... a TabletMac?"

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(Technik) by micha_v
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(Technik) by splammo

mach jede Oberfläche zur idealen Box. Und freu dich wie der Schneekönig. www.soundbug.biz

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(Technik) by aemkei

"HP's DJammer is a prototype handheld gadget DJs can use to mimic the sound of scratching vinyl simply by moving the device around. So, if the operator makes a scratching motion in the air, arrays of internal motion sensors translate movement into music, and the DJammer "scratches" the music as though the DJ were manipulating a record."

... www.wired.com ... www.hpl.hp.com

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Ja wie krass, oder?? THE SHOW MUST GO ON. TILDE CLUB.
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OMG! Ich hab grad von hinten angefangen zu lesen. So viel cooler Stuff aus der Zukunft!
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Du hast jetzt Rechte!
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You got it, Holmes!
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