Interfacedesign Mobil
:: Geräte
PDAs, Smartphones, Mobiltelefone, Navigationssysteme, (...i-pod, MD/CD Player usw)
Welche Anforderung stellt der „ultramobile“ User an das Interfacedesign?
Möglichst Flexible Interfaces.
Reduzierter, einfacher und direkter als für den Arbeitsplatz Rechner.
:: Schwierige Rahmenbedingungen
- begrenzte Zeit / Aufmerksamkeit
- kleiner Bildschirm
- noch einfacher zu bedienen als am Arbeitsplatz
- geringere Bandbreite
- Geringere Stabilität
- Höhere Latenz
- Geringere Erreichbarkeit
- geringere Rechenleistung
- weniger Speicherkapazität
:: The art of Interface Design
"The user of mobile computer applications is most likely distracted by the environment, and the operation of
the computer is not necessarily the primary task because the user is doing something else besides
interacting with the computer."
"The interfaces for WAP applications must meet more rigorous requirements than is the case for other areas of application development. "The patience of end-users is limited, since services are expensive to use and time is short."
"Interaction must be optimized. Ideally, information should not be more than three clicks away, and text entry must be kept to a minimum".
"Easy-to-use graphical interfaces will allow users to simply click on one screen to go directly to specific information, eliminating the need to navigate through multi-layered menus."
(Interaction Lab at Ericsson Research)
:: Interface
Bildschirm/Tasten/Sprach Ein- und Ausgabe (Xelibri Serie),
Smart Keys
Zur Bedienung der Handy/Handheld Funktionen und zur Bedienung für Anwendungen.
Mobile Phone Usability
“One hand operation is a key rule: the user is able to do almost all tasks with just one hand, pressing the keys with the thumb. A few exceptions exist in functions that are targeted to power users and require pressing two keys simultaneously.”
Nokia Style Guide
WAP, i-mode
:: Individuelles grafisches Interfacedesign
The Customisable User Interface Solution For Next Generation Handsets.
bisher nur auf imode Handys (in Japan) und PDAs.
Flash 6 Developer Kits:
Pocket PC
Nokia 9200
Sony CLIE NX Series
»is the world's most advanced interface for handhelds, and is based on IML v2.0, the Simputer's XML-based lingua franca. Proprietary to PicoPeta, it represents an exciting new direction as an interface to small screen, mobile computing devices. It features four revolutionary breakthroughs which will be of immense value to a developer of handheld applications.«
Sony Ericsson Clicker
Sony Ericsson Clicker is a revolutionary application, allowing you to remotely control a wide range of applications with your Sony Ericsson phone:
- Control PowerPoint or Keynote when giving presentations;
- Control DVD Player or iTunes from your sofa or bed; and
- Use AppleScript to control anything you like
Further, Sony Ericsson Clicker has a built in "proximity sensor", allowing you to trigger actions when you leave or come back to your Mac. Again, here are some ideas:
Pause iTunes when you leave the room, turn it on when you come back; and use AppleScript to let your presence (or absence) control anything you like
:: Unterhaltung
Beispiel: NTT Docomo Wettbewerb, mobileflyer etc.
How to tell a good story in 30 seconds
:: Weiterführende Links
Styleguides für das Interfacedesign
Nokia Research Projects
Sonera Media Lab
Color and Usability Matters
Nokia Interface Design Style Sheet
Visual Thesaurus
:: Bücher
Nokia on mobile usability- the art of logic
Christian Lindholm, Turkku Keinonen
Flash Design for Mobile Devices-
August de los Reyes