(themenabend) by micha_v
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(themenabend) by micha_v

www.looptroop.nu ("Send Someone Away" Das Video passt perfekt zum Wetter...) www.zero7.co.uk ("Futures") www.junip.net (seine Band) www.jorihulkkonen.com ("Blinded By Numbers")

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(themenabend) by micha_v


David about his this month's playlist:

"I’m defining classic country as pre-hippie-country, pre-alt-country, pre-outlaw-country — before Graham Parsons, Bob Dylan, Emmylou, Willie, the Flatlanders and scores of others made the genre accessible to folks who usually associated country music solely with rednecks, racists and reactionaries (hey, that would have made a good album title!)."

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(themenabend) by micha_v


Wo deutsche Autos brennen und Hirnverbrannte sich Domain-Namen ausdenken:


Gruss an Skek, dem grossen Wortspielakrobaten ;-)

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(themenabend) by micha_v

Wer mal eben in NYC nichts besseres zu tun hat... Hat aber auch ne nicht uninteressante Online-Ausstellung:


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Ja wie krass, oder?? THE SHOW MUST GO ON. TILDE CLUB.
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OMG! Ich hab grad von hinten angefangen zu lesen. So viel cooler Stuff aus der Zukunft!
by aemkei @ 12/4/14, 11:48 AM
Du hast jetzt Rechte!
by sol @ 12/4/14, 11:32 AM
You got it, Holmes!
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