(Contest) by splammo

Zwei Mann gehn rein, einer geht raus! Zwei Mann gehn rein, einer geht raus! Zwei Mann gehn rein, einer geht raus!

(Contest) by miro

The 54th Berlin International Film Festival invites up-and-coming filmmaking talent from around the world to apply to the BERLINALE TALENT CAMPUS #2.

The BERLINALE TALENT CAMPUS is an arena for know how and inspiration. Emerging filmmakers will have the opportunity to meet experienced professionals from all genres, cultures and generations.

The BERLINALE TALENT CAMPUS appeals to emerging screenwriters, producers, directors, cinematographers, actors, editors, sound engineers and composers with some experience. See the participation conditions.

A six-day programme will touch on the essential issues of filmmaking: the latest technical developments, creative tools, stylistic trends, future markets and philosophical perspectives.

You will be offered ample opportunity to develop your own talent as well as discovering the talent of colleagues from all over the world.

THEME OF 2004 - THE SOUND AND MUSIC A series of events will explore how sound design and music relate to writing, producing, directing, cinematography, acting, and editing.


(Contest) by sol


grade inner schwedischen gazette gefunden:

The Third Place Gallery is where new technology artists can flash their works, discuss them, promote them and start work collaborations.

The first gallery show is based on the theme "Emotions". The deadline for submitting work is August 15th. The gallery is open for works within two categories: Net Art and Digital Expressions.


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(Contest) by miro

ja, is sowas wie der docomo-wettbewerb. nur aus new orleans und es steht kein großer mobile-konzern dahinter...


look into the screening room...

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by mikk

ich habe beim lumix-award von panasonic fotos von mir eingereicht. bitte votet für mich, es gibt eine digicam zu gewinnen.


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Ja wie krass, oder?? THE SHOW MUST GO ON. TILDE CLUB.
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OMG! Ich hab grad von hinten angefangen zu lesen. So viel cooler Stuff aus der Zukunft!
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Du hast jetzt Rechte!
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You got it, Holmes!
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